Protect and Display Your Finest Cigars with Our Custom Cigar Boxes
Cigars symbolize luxury and corporate success as a power, trade, and promotion tool. Many public figures love using cigars, making cigars a style symbol, and many individuals smoke cigars only because they want to present themselves as style icons. Cigars are handcrafted, and their production material is imported from Cuba and Central America. Cigars are sensitive products that can be damaged by humidity and moisture and require special packaging.
IBEX Packaging provides retailers and wholesalers with high-end quality
custom cigar boxes for packaging.
You can order
personalized cigar boxes providing a compact and practical presentation. We offer premium product packaging at competitive prices with excellent production control skills. We have a technical staff with rich experience producing supreme packaging for cigars. We offer customer-oriented substantial royalty serving attitude, ensuring the availability of customized services.
Inspired Cigar Box Designs to Grab Customers’ Attention
We manufacture bespoke
cigar boxes with custom templates. We use cardboard paper of high quality or Kraft paper to create upright boxes of cigars. You can select the design of your choice, such as boxes with an attached lid or a separate lid. We also offer auto-bottom boxes with a lock system to keep your product safe during shipment. We also design deluxe
cigar boxes wholesale with a classic finish so you can use them as corporate and personal gifts. We can also add compartments to hold multiple cigars in a single box.
In addition to the room for multiple cigars, the flaps are simple to open and close as the box design is quite simple to use. The packaging can be used for various things, including giving cigars as gifts to friends, family, coworkers, employees, and clients. The two flaps that enclose the cigars ensure their safety.
You can request custom shapes for the
hemp cigarette boxes. We ensure that the lid of the cardboard box closes rather tightly to prevent it from getting into the box. The thickness of the box is also considered to make it well insulated to avert escaping the essence of cigars. We try to circulate air in all the box areas so that cigars remain fresh till shipment and delivery.
We employ embossing, debossing, and foil stamping to give a luxury finish that compels you into buying our
cigar boxes. These high-end techniques give the box a charismatic appeal and a soft alluring texture that grabs attention instantly.
Cigar Boxes Customizations Offered by IBEX Packaging
Full and truly desirable customization is available at
Ibex Packaging, where you can brand the box according to your requirement, using it as a tool to promote your product. Your logo can be printed in various formats such as Spot UV, gold, and foil stamping for an elegant look, screen printing with hand to give an exclusive touch, and digital and offset printing.
You can also print the attributes of your product, such as manufacturing and ingredient details, at the rear end of the box. You can add custom patterns and prints to your
cigar gift boxes to give them even more and personalize the feel and look.
Flawless Craftsmanship & Material
custom cigar boxes are indeed pieces reflecting fine craftsmanship. Businesses that deal with as fragile products as cigars know how critical their protection is till they reach the end customers. Thus, they choose custom
printed cigar boxes since they are strong, of high quality, and can be recycled in the future.
Ibex Packaging guarantees the use of premium products to give your packaging the highest caliber. We have cardboard, Kraft, and corrugated to make high-quality boxes. You may select your material and finally enjoy the quality you have always sought.
Moreover, our materials are recyclable, environment-friendly, and biodegradable. This way, we join hands with our customers to reduce the global carbon footprint and contribute to improving the environment. We are responsible and accountable for the surroundings at Ibex Packaging.
Furthermore, our boxes are strong yet possess a soft appearance because we use layers to provide impact protection, which is necessary to protect the cigar. However, may also choose the packaging material based on the cigar’s thickness. You can use it to determine the product’s protection as well.
Cutting-edge printing solutions with superb finishing
At Ibex Packaging, printing has always played a significant part in creating high-quality packaging boxes. Our cutting-edge printing techniques and machinery enable us to provide our clients with superb finishes. We suggest embossing, debossing, metallic hues, dazzling ribbons, buttons, gold/silver foil stamping, and many other design elements while discussing design ideas.
Additionally, we have made unique fancy raised ink printing available for our beloved customers. Therefore, our professionals will assist you in achieving this goal regardless of whether you want to concentrate on printing your logo and company name with a fancy design or fantastic coolers. These services are supplemented by our free design assistance and customization, which lowers the price of our
custom cigar boxes. So, why wait for the best chance to impress your customers at first glance?
We Deliver Premium Customization
At Ibex Packaging, style matters considerably to our
custom cigar boxes. Although the competition in the cigar industry is extensive, our boxes are the ultimate solution for all your brand’s problems. Remember, customers, go for the packaging that emotionally appeals to them and caters to their pain points in a better way.
With us, you can develop styles that help you remain competitive in the market. It is why we produce
custom cigar boxes to attract your customers’ attention and convince them to purchase your product. These boxes assist retail establishments in keeping their products in a visible location and attracting clients. These boxes also increase the value of your items.
Furthermore, these boxes can help you develop an upfront brand reputation. You may print your logo and slogans and spread awareness among the masses. Also, you can use different languages to penetrate different markets, communicate with people from all across the globe, and reach out to every customer.
You may also need to convert these
custom cigar boxes into gift boxes. Doing so will help cultivate your relationships and gift cigars to your friends, family, relatives, etc. So, if you want to attract customers to buy your cigars as gift items for their loved ones, customizing your boxes to the way they like is the key.
We Guarantee 100% Customer Satisfaction.
At Ibex Packaging, our team is centered on making our customers happy with their purchases. We are 100% committed to supplying you with
custom cigar boxes that may increase brand retention and customer satisfaction in your buyers’ thoughts.
Therefore, we share your burden in attaining this goal. You place an order one minute, and the next minute we begin working our fingers to bones to deliver you the value you seek. We have devised proper steps to give you a
personalized cigar box that matches your taste. Regarding how we proceed after the order, we have set different targets to meet your expectations.
Firstly, we move on to sign the contract. Amidst that, we discuss prices, layouts, and freight charges to finalize them beforehand. We keep you informed throughout the process, and this discussion is merely to complete the template just how you like, so you don’t need to worry about it. What’s more is that the picking up of designs, any alterations in the layout, and the personalization of your
cigar packaging are entirely free.
So, you needn’t fret about long discussions; they are not solely meant to focus on the prices. After the style has been decided and the discussion is completed, we will work on it and guarantee that you will receive the
best cigar boxes you requested at your preferred time. So once the designs are finalized, you need to rest assured to receive your perceived value of our boxes
Our prompt service and timely delivery will make you appreciate our efforts to curate top-notch
custom cigar packaging in the shortest amount of time. Usually, our delivery time ranges from seven to twelve working days.
We Provide Services with Unmatched Value
We don’t compromise on our product quality. At Ibex Packaging, quality is the topmost priority, contributing to why our customers return to us for their packaging needs. We have a devoted team of quality assurance officers who make these
custom cigar boxes undergo a vigilant examination before shipping.
We also offer special discounts on
custom boxes wholesale and
custom cigar boxes wholesale to make them fit your budget and cigar protection needs. Plus, they are also super affordable. Under strict quality assurance regulations, each box may also efficiently serve as a
cigar gift box. What’s worth mentioning is that we have FREE delivery all across the globe. With an excellent turnaround time, we also offer free design support to facilitate our customers to the best of our abilities.
With that, our
custom cigar boxes become super lucrative for the buyers, delivering them superior value. Our round-the-clock customer service sets us apart from conventional packaging brands. We aim to extend our services to our customers together by helping them overcome their pain points – which is a lot more than just delivering our
custom cigar box.
You can send emails, texts, or form quick quotes, and our consultants will be quick to get back to you. We try to reply to you within a few hours – typically less than 24 hours. Even though you are a small business, medium, or large enterprise, one rule remains constant. The rule is that we deal with a low minimum order quantity of 100
custom cigar boxes to offer the best services.
The Ideal Fit & a Flawless Finish is Our Ultimate Goal
Our sophistication enjoys long-standing popularity, and a precise fit of products contributes to it. Also, regardless of the type of box you’re looking for, a premium finishing is a must-have for us. Since it’s hard to achieve with typical boxes due to different needs for different boxes, we made available our customized
cigar boxes for sale.
Thus, we ensure that our
custom cigar boxes meet your needs and fit your cigars perfectly. If you’re searching for the best fit with an outstanding outer appeal, you don’t want to miss out on our cigar boxes. At Ibex Packaging, we also strive to ensure that our boxes bear a luxury finish that intrigues you. Plus, our boxes are incredibly sturdy and ensure that no potential harm can pose any threat to your cigars.
Our state-of-the-art equipment and techniques endeavor to provide clients with just what they are looking for. We give perfect shape and meticulously finished packaging to your cigars. In addition to ensuring the safety of your cigars, these
custom cigar boxes also serve as an effective marketing tool. They appeal to appeal to the buyers and grab their attention. We add a pinch of luxury
rigid boxes, so they add to your satisfaction.
Why Choose Ibex Packaging?
If you’re searching for superior quality
custom cigar boxes to safeguard your cigars, you have landed yourself a suitable space. Ibex Packaging is a promising firm that thrives on delivering our customers the value they seek, and we even exceed your expectations of us.
We offer unmatched material quality, premium designs, innovative layouts, and packaging custom printing solutions and couple them with a top-notch delivery service. Not to mention, we deliver at your preferred time, never later than that. In addition to the best prices in the market, we never compromise on the quality of our
custom cigar boxes.
Thanks to our extensive expertise working with our reputable customers, we can comprehend your needs, whether you need these boxes in large quantities or with a minimum order quantity as low as 100 sleeve boxes. Call us or complete our order form to receive a prompt response from our customer service. All you need to do is let us know what you need, and we will take care of the rest.
Johnson Charles –
Convincing cigar lovers for a specific brand is the most challenging task, and I accepted this challenge after partnering with IBEX Packaging through amazingly-designed cigar boxes. My cigars are famous only because my packaging is unmatched.